Sarah Pittmann

Shoulder Warrior

My name is Sarah Pittmann. I am a daughter of God, a servant of Christ Jesus, and a mom of 2 precious children ages 10 & 12, with whom I take every opportunity to intentionally disciple as they learn and discover their paths in life. With a bachelor’s degree in Bible & Theology, I am a former math teacher, now living in Texas and working in finance & accounting at an architectural firm that designs learning environments. I am active in my church, my community and along the paths of life where I live out my passion to see other women thriving in their faith. God is life! 

I desire to see women being shoulder warriors to one another: praying together, encouraging one another, holding each other up, celebrating one another, studying God’s word together, standing beside one another and pointing each other to Christ in all areas of life. Let us stand strong, shoulder to shoulder, with each other in Christ as we walk the battlefields of this life. When in active battle we fight to the extent to which we have trained, to the extent we have girded ourselves with the armor of God and strengthened our arms (Ephesians 6:10-20, Proverbs 31:17). Other times we walk along pretty countryside between battles, which is a great time for intentional preparation & training, this is the time to gird ourselves with strength. We are in a war and we cannot let our guard down. 


Every Day Life

Do it all unto the LORD…even the laundry.

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” (Colossians 3:23-24)

This verse has always reminded me to do my best at whatever I am doing. Whether it be my job, my school work, volunteering, serving at church, or even my relationships. But the more I know Christ and walk in His ways, the deeper the meaning it has, the deeper it convicts me of underlying attitudes that the word “whatever” applies to. Just like that other convicting word “all” that pops up all over the Bible, they really do mean everything. 

Some of my WHATEVER struggles: laundry (thank you Lord that I have laundry to wash); dishes (thank you Lord that I have food to serve my family); picking up toys & Legos for the millionth time (thank you Lord that I have kids to pick up after); the list could go on…

“…whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10: 31b)

So, whatever you find yourself doing 5 minutes from now, an hour from now or a week from now, do it unto the Lord.

For more encouragements for everyday life, please read my blog.

Read My Blog