Prayer: Help My Unbelief

           Lord, there is nothing better than You. Thank you for putting me back together and making me whole. Help me to walk peaceably with others as much as it depends on me. (Romans 12: 18) God, I am struggling in this moment; so, I cry out to You, my refuge and my strength. This moment feels like defeat and it’s hard to see hope ahead; so, I thank You that the promise of Your word is that You will complete the good work that You started. (Philippians 1:6) “Help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) Thank You for the work You have done; remind me of Your faithfulness. Thank You for the work You are currently doing; give me eyes to see. Thank You for the work You will do; grant me faith to believe. I am begging you to show me the faithfulness of Your promise. I cling to the truth that “The Lord your God, who goes before you, He will fight for you.” (Deuteronomy 1:30) Lord, You go before me and fight for me. Help me by the power of the Holy Spirit to ‘hold my peace,’ for “The Lord will fight for” me. (Exodus 14:14) Help my unbelief! Impossible is not impossible to You! “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26) You are the God of miracles! You make the dead to walk, You have resurrection power. God you are able to save and deliver and heal and restore anything You want! There is nothing You can’t do God!  

Help me believe.



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